Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Too Long!

Last summer we started off shooting a couple of sessions with some seniors that are around the Joplin area. They did a great job. Props go to you for helping us out Bekah Stout and Ivy Sissek.
Around mid October we had a great shoot with Kayla Whitemeyer From Jasper Missouri. UP ABOVE you will see a couple of shots from each session.
After October things started to slow down, until my sisters decided pay a little visit with us a get some photos also.
With spring right around the corner we are ready for photo shoots, lots and lots of them. the WEBSITE IS TILL UNDER SOME WORK, hopefully before long it is up and running. for those of you who have a business or who have ever tried it is a very long and tedious project.
We would love to meet people who are interested in learning more about photography, hopefully this spring or summer we can have a class on photography (in the works)
our web adress is and our phone number is 417-629-6907. If you would like to recieve more info just give us a shout.

Thanks again everyone.
Your friendly staff