Friday, March 9, 2012

2 post today

Hey we wanted to put the tip of the day out here for ya. Just to let you know we will not be posting these on the weekend do to our fellow photographer being swamp. So instead I will be writing photo tips for ya on the weekend.
Talk to you soon
If you got the tip from yesterday... YAY! It was a toughy but goody! Today's tip is much less instense in terms of jargon and technical settings. Hooray for that!

There are two other ways to get that yummy shallow depth of field (or, as my friendly moms with cameras call it: blurry background). The first is to get CLOSE to your subject. No... really close.

Everybody do me a favor: hold your hand four inches away from your eyes and stare at it. Notice (without looking around) how blurry the background is. Cool right? Now... extend your arm all the way out, still looking at your hand. Notice that the background becomes a little clearer? Mega cool! The same principle applies to photography. The closer you get to your subject, the more your background will go out of focus.

The final way to get a shallow depth of field is to increase the focal length of the lens. Wait! Say whaaaat? What does that mean? Oh, easy... it means "zoom in." Yep, that's my final trick... zoom in. What it does is compress the background. Now, you can really do this with the 17-55 kit lens that comes with a camera. We're talking 100mm, 200mm, or 300mm. (the shot above was shot at 135mm at 2.8, fyi!)

Okay! There we have it! Now you know three great ways to get a beautifully shallow depth of field

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